969Josh Fosse is a 20something guy whose life is going nowhere. His girl left, his rent is late, and he lacks a real job. He is trying to make it as an a捍卫家园
612美国陆军战斗医疗人员詹娜·康纳利因心脏病发作被召回家中,帮助疏远的父亲。她发现这个曾经原始的牧场已经年久失修,当地警长与当地的牧场主牲畜有着邪恶的联系。詹娜现在发现自己面对她埋藏的情感过去,因为她的工资战争对腐败的政治力量。灵感来自加里·达辛格,一个迪金森,ND牧场主的真实事件,以及他2017年为拯特工卡特 第一季
300Peggy Carter(Hayley Atwell)是美国队长的女友,也是特别短片《卡特探员》(Agent Carter)中的主角。1946年(电影《美国队长》的故事结束后),Peggy Carter的平静生活被彻底打破——当那些在海外作战的军人们返回家乡后,Carter发现自己被人彻底忽视了。如留在身旁
979When a single father to a teenage daughter learns that he has a fatal brain tumor, he takes her on a road trip to find the mother who abandoned her ye