如我之狼 第二季
853Mary and Gary want to be 'normal parents'. But their house needs a werewolf-proof basement - can they ever be 'normal'? As much as they worry about th不曾遗忘的暮色
699背负着沉重的债务莫克,一名机械师,被迫接受一份高薪工作,作为一个白天的看护,一个富有的继承人,在一次事故后遭受部分失明。Day雇佣了Mork,因为他意识到Mork并不把他看作一个残疾人,而是一个平等的伙伴。随着他们在一起的时间越来越长,两人开始对对方产生感情。然而离那天只有180 天了他永久失明了,克雷斯的魔法学院
457A seemingly ordinary girl, Ada Niezgódka, finds her way into the eponymous Academy to explore the world of fairy tales, imagination and creativity. Wi