大学女生的性生活 第二季
661It’s a new trimester for the suitemates – Kimberly, Bela, Whitney, and Leighton – which means the girls have to navigate new experiences and challenge -
9002012年,人类被不知名病毒感染,纽约成为一座空城。Robert Neville(Will Smith 饰)是为军方服务的科学家,也是对病毒有免疫力的幸存者。白天,他带着狗Sam在街道上寻找食物,用广播寻找幸存者,在实验室里研究治愈病毒的方法;晚上,他只能躲在屋子里,因为那些感染病毒而没有死亡的人们 -
574Following a horrific accident, a woman voluntarily becomes a test subject to an artificial intelligence designed to rehabilitate her. In a world depen -
854由加拿大和印度合拍的影片《寻子记》,讲述了以修理拉锁为生的主人公莫亨德拉,在得知在外工作的12岁儿子西达尔特失踪后,凭借着一点点线索开始横跨整个印度寻找儿子的故事。虽然西达尔特一直音讯全无,但一家人仍一边祈祷,一边重拾生活的希望。 -
314Cecilia and Emma were tween-age BFFs who were going to grow old together and never let anything come between them, until Alex arrived on the scene. Tw